Abstract The aim of this study is to analyse the influence of attitudes, subjective norms and religiosity on halal preferences for cosmetic products, with a focus on Generation Z. Using a quantitative method with an SEM-PLS approach, this study collected primary data from Generation Z respondents who purchased halal cosmetic products. The analysis shows that attitudes, subjective norms and r…
Risiko terbesar yang dihadapi dalam dunia perbankan adalah risiko pembiayaan. Adapun Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) Mandiri Artha Sejahtera adalah suatu lembaga jasa keuangan mikro yang menggunakan dasar syariah Islam dan menjalankan usahanya dengan prinsip syariah yang mengacu kepada Al-Quran dan Al-Hadits. Pada BMT Mandiri Artha Sejahtera memiliki banyak jenis pembiayaan dan bentuk akad…
Tujuan - Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisa rencana bisnis dengan analisa bisnis model kanvas dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang akurat pada elemen customer segments value propositions dan channel dari rencana bisnis yang akan dibangun. Metode Penelitian - Penelitian ini menggunakan metode action research untuk mengetahui potensi pasar terutama pada customer segments …
Tujuan: Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah terdapat pengaruh dari variabel gaya hidup, variabel iklan, dan variabel citra merek terhadap keputusan konsumen menggunakan aplikasi e-money khususnya OVO pada masyarakat Tanjung Pandan Belitung. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif dan menggunakan non probability sampling dan purpose sampling untuk m…
Introduction: Community productivity is critical in maintaining quality of life to avoid disasters. The use of digital technology in the economic aspect has also provided opportunities for people far from the market to earn income to meet their living needs. Objective: This quantitative study aimed to explore the impact of halal labeling, price, and product quality on consumer loyalty toward In…
This research aims to analyze the influence of halal attributes, such as halal social environment, halal facilities, halal food and beverages, and services and staff of hotels or guesthouses, which are grouped into one variable, namely cognitive assessment, on consumer intention to visit, consumer willingness to pay, and WOM through Affective Assessment.
The purpose of this study is to analyze maqashid sharia, namely dharuriyat proxied by service quality, hajiat proxied by location, and tahsiniyat proxied by promotion on customer decisions in the FLPP program in Islamic Banking in West Java. This study uses a quantitative approach. The primary data collection technique uses a questionnaire. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The…
This research departs from the problem of managing clean water sources in Pesanggrahan Village, East Lombok which was carried out by Baitul Maal wa Tamwil Tunas Harapan Syantara. In conducting research, the study used qualitative research based on interviews, documentation and questionnaires as primary data in this research. In the next stage, the study analyzes the data using management theory…
he enactment of regulations regarding the obligation to guarantee halal products in Indonesia according to Law Number 33 2014 is mandatory and binds for SMEs owners to have halal guarantees for all products that are offered. However, the number of Indonesian SMEs that have been halal-certified remains very low and far from their potential. The purpose ofthis study was to analyze the effect…
"Purpose − This study aims to measure and compare the efficiency of Islamic and conventional banks in Indonesia and Malaysia, from 2015 to 2020. Methodology − Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was employed as a research method for measuring efficiency. The DEA results are also used to identify input or output variables that must be improved if the Decision-Making Unit (DMU) needs to improve …