Background – In 2019-2021 the Covid-19 Pandemic occurred, it is necessary to conduct research to analyze how strong Islamic commercial banks are in facing economic conditions during the Covid-19 period, one of the ways is to approach the Sharia Maqashid Index. Measurement of Islamic banking performance based on the Sharia Maqashid Index becomes interesting when analyzed during the Cov…
Latar Belakang – Tahun 2019-2021 terjadi Pandemi Covid-19, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian menganalasisi seberapa kuat bank umum syariah menghadapi kondisi perekonomian di masa covid-19, salah satu caranya dengan pendekatan Indeks Maqashid Syariah. Pengukuran kinerja perbankan syariah berdasarkan Indeks Maqashid Syariah menjadi menarik apabila dianalisis pada masa pandemi covid 19. …