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The Influence of Factors on Students’ Financial Management: SEM Approach
This study aimed to identify the factors influencing student financial
management in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area. The study included
206 Jakarta Metropolitan Area respondents who met the following
criteria: active students at Jakarta Metropolitan Area universities
aged 17 to 25 years. The study employed the SEM-PLS method as
the primary analysis approach. The results indicated that several
factors showed positive and negative correlations on student
financial management in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area. Specifically,
self-control and financial literacy, which are internal factors,
influenced financial management, while allowances and good
lifestyle, which are external factors, had no influence. These findings
suggest that individuals tend to manage their finances effectively
when equipped with a thorough understanding of financial principles
and strong self-control. The results of this study offer significant
practical implications for the Jakarta Metropolitan Area government
in designing strategies to increase financial inclusion more
effectively. This study emphasizes the importance of self-control and
financial literacy as the main factors affecting financial management
skills among college students, and lifestyle factors and the amount of
pocket money have no significant effect. Furthermore, financial
institutions can use these findings to develop better financial products
to meet consumers' preferences for sound financial principles. By
providing a better understanding of the factors influencing financial
management, this research can contribute to more responsible,
sustainable, and compliant financial management within society.
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